It is expected that all our children wear our school uniform. We believe that it gives children a sense of pride as well as looking smart. It also solves the problem of ‘what to wear’ and contributes to a feeling of ownership and belonging to our good school which has high standards. The Governing Board supports this policy and expectation.
The school uniform can be ordered and purchased through the school. We also have ‘pre-loved’ uniform available and a swap shop option which provides free uniform for all children.
Please print out and complete the Uniform Order and take it to Mrs Beer in the office.
KS1 uniforms have a large printed school logo and KS2 uniforms have a small embroidered school logo on them. Once purchased, please ensure all items of clothing are clearly labelled with your child’s name.
- Navy sweatshirt with school yellow logo or plain navy sweatshirt
- Navy cardigan with school yellow logo or plain cardigan
- Yellow polo shirt with navy school logo
- Navy, grey or black trousers or shorts
- Navy, grey or black skirt or pinafore dress
- Navy fleece with school yellow embroidered logo
- School book bag
- Plain navy, grey or black tights
- White or grey socks
- Black shoes (not trainers unless for PE lessons)
- In summer a yellow or blue checked dress may be worn.
- Yellow or blue school sunhats are also available.
P.E. Kit
- A plain white tee shirt
- Black shorts (elasticated waist)
- Black pumps and trainers (for outdoor games)
- Black tracksuit or jogging bottoms for winter (no stripes or logos please)
- No earrings
Children should wear swimming costumes which are not loose fitting. Children with long hair should wear a swimming cap. Our swimming coach requests that goggles are not worn unless there is a medical need and bikinis are not considered appropriate for a swimming lesson.
Please ensure your child comes to school wearing their PE kit on the days they have PE. These will be communicated to you at the beginning of each school year.
School life involves varied and wide ranging learning experiences and sometimes damage can occur to clothing. Although every effort is made to avoid damage, school cannot accept responsibility for damage to clothing or personal belongings which has occurred during the school day learning experiences.