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Yellow - Year 2

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Autumn 1 Newsletter


A very warm welcome to Yellow Class.


Literacy and Maths

Our focus this half-term is Myself and Others and is all about health, well-being and different cultures. We will be looking specifically at Indian folk tales and the book Pattan's Pumpkin by Chitra Soundar. We will be writing letters and diary entries as characters from the book. We will use lots of Drama strategies to inspire and engage us. 

In SPAG we will pay close attention to the four different sentence types: questions, commands, exclamations and statements to help children vary their sentences when writing.

In Maths, we will be developing understanding of place value through counting, comparing and representing numbers. We will also be adding and subtracting one, two and three-digit numbers sometimes crossing a boundary of ten. Continuing to count objects and work on number bonds to 10 and 20 at home with your child will help to support them in Year 2. 

Dates for your diary

Meet the teacher - Tuesday 3rd September 15:30 - 16:30

Wider curriculum

R.E - What can we learn from sacred texts?

History- Intrepid Explorers

Science - Healthy Me

D. T- Food and nutrition. Perfect pizzas

Music - Sing up unit 'Tony Chestnut' focusing on beat, rhythm, melody and tuned and untuned instruments.

Computing - Making music

P.E- Outdoor games on Monday

     -  Indoor P.E on Wednesday


Additional information

Children will be reading every day and can change their books on a Tuesday and Friday. Please ensure book bags are in school every day. Just ten minutes reading at home each day makes such a difference, so please support our home school reading partnership.

P.E days for this half-term are Monday and Wednesday.

Homework will be sent home on a Monday.