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Green - Year 3


Autumn 1 - Newsletter

Hello everyone and welcome to Year 3. We hope you had a lovely summer. We are very excited to get stuck into all the new and exciting learning this year.

If you have any queries about any aspect of your child's learning, please do get in touch.

Best wishes 

Mr Oldham and Mrs Birks

In maths, Green Class will build on their knowledge of place value - representing numbers to 100 and partitioning them into hundreds, tens and ones. Towards the end of this half-term, they will look at addition and subtraction of ones, tens and hundreds and the written methods.

In literacy, the children will be looking closely at books that are related to our history topic (Stone Age to Iron Age) and our science topic of rocks and fossils, starting with 'The Pebble in My Pocket' by Meredith Hooper. They will be doing lots of exciting writing based around them. 

Please also refer to the Year 3 curriculum overviews for each subject if you wish to see what your child will be learning this year. These can be found on this website under the 'Curriculum' tab. 



PE is on a Monday and Thursday.

Please ensure that your child comes to school wearing their PE kit on Mondays and Thursdays. In line with the school uniform policy, this should be an unbranded white t-shirt and black shorts/tracksuit bottoms and trainers. Due to health and safety regulations, all earrings and jewellery must be removed for PE sessions. 


Homework will focus on 3 areas: reading, multiplication and spelling. 

Each Monday, your child will receive a spelling list of 5-10 words and a times table to practise each night. They should write out the spelling words and times table each night in their purple homework books. Homework books should be handed in on a Friday when we will also have a spelling test. 

Reading of any kind has a huge beneficial impact on your child's learning. I encourage the children to log any reading they do at home in their reading diaries. Whether this is their reading book, a book they have at home, magazines or comics, please log it all! Please ensure that your child brings their reading book and reading diary into school every day. 

Dates for your diary

Tuesday 3rd September - Year 3 Curriculum meeting for parents at 3:30pm