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Blue - Year 4


Autumn 1 Newsletter


Maths and English


In English, we will be looking at an interesting book with beautiful illustrations. The story revolves around an elderly man that lives in a world of scrap metal. After looking closely at the character and setting, we will predict how the plot develops. We will then write our own sequels to the text. Following this, we will be using the events in The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane to practice our biography writing.

In Maths, Year 4 will be developing their understanding of place value. They will be learning to compare and order numbers up to 10,000, find these numbers on number lines, and round numbers to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000. Your child will also be learning formal written methods for adding and subtracting 4-digit numbers.

As the children move through Key Stage 2, times tables fluency is increasingly important and supports the children as they tackle more challenging problems. We will therefore be placing particular emphasis on learning and practising times tables in class, so that the children can quickly recall key facts. Any opportunities for the children to practice at home will support quicker recall, so please make sure that your child is practising regularly.

To further encourage the children with practicing at home, we run a Times Tables Rockstars Tournament each term. The tournament logs the amount of time the children spend practising their times tables on TT Rockstars, and at the end of term, the top three children will have a choice from our class prize box.


The Wider Curriculum 


Subject Unit of Study 
French Portraits
RE Why is Jesus inspiring to some people?
PSHE Being me in my world
PE Swimming
Art  Jewellery Making
Music This little light of mine
History Industrial Revolution
Computing  Effective Researching
Science  Sound



Additional Information

On Wednesday 11th September, the children will resume their swimming lessons at Grand Central. These lessons will continue on a weekly basis, so please ensure that your child has a swimming kit every Wednesday. If you are unsure about acceptable swimwear, the 'Uniform' section of the website contains further information. 

Your child will also need to arrive at school wearing their P.E. kit each Thursday, so that they are prepared for their weekly P.E lesson.

Homework will be handed out on a Monday and will consist of spellings and times tables. It should be completed 4 times a week and the spelling test will take place on a Friday. Once completed, please sign the homework log and return the book to school each day.

All children are encouraged to read at home regularly, and will be provided with a reading book to do so. Similar to homework, children are expected to be reading at home at least 4 times a week. Children can read independently or with an adult and they may read their reading book, library book or a personal text from home. Please ensure that any reading at home is recorded in the reading record and signed by an adult. Whenever the reading record shows that a child has read at home (with an adult signature)  they will receive a ticket for the end of term reading raffle.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.

Best wishes,

Miss Maudsley and Mrs Johnson


Dates for the Diary 

Wednesday 11th September - RE workshop for Year 4. 

Wednesday 11th September- Swimming lessons start.