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Indigo - Year 5

Autumn 1 Newsletter

Welcome to Year 5! 

I am very excited for the year ahead, and I hope the children are too! We cover so many fantastic topics in Year 5 and I'm hopeful for a successful year for all! Here is what we have in store for our first half term...

Please note that PE for this term is on Monday and Wednesday afternoons. Please could children come to school in their PE kits on these days, with earrings removed.

Mrs Burns

English and Maths

This half term, we are delving straight into history by learning about how Britain changed through Anglo-Saxon and Viking times. We will look at the poem Beowulf and the Kennings poetry contained within it, and then will focus our attention on writing informative texts based on the book Viking Boy: The Real Story.

In Maths, we will start the year by looking at place value, including Roman Numerals, and addition and subtraction, including using lots of tried and tested methods. We will continue to practise our times tables and mental maths skills, as well as refining our reasoning and problem-solving skills.


Wider Curriculum

This half term, we will be learning about:

RE: If God is everywhere, why go to a place of Worship?

Science: Growing up and growing old

History: Changes to Britain: Vikings vs Anglo-Saxons

Computing: Word Processing and Spreadsheets

Art: Digital collage and image manipulation

French: French monster pets

Music: What shall we do with the drunken sailor?

PSHE: Being me in my world

PE: City in the community games (Monday)

Outdoor sports (Wednesday)

Additional information

SImilar to Year 4, homework expectations for Year 5 are times tables / division facts, spellings and reading.

Homework books will be handed out on a Monday, with a specific times table to practise (this will sometimes be part of a TT Rockstars challenge) and some spellings to practise. On a Friday, we will have our times table test and spelling test. We ask that children practise both their times table and spelling list each night (I will show them some new ways they can practise to keep it interesting!) and hand their homework book in a few times a week so we can monitor their progress.  

Reading is also a fundamental part of homework each week. Children will be able to change their reading book as and when they finish a book, from our collection in the classroom. We will also visit the library once a week so children will have 2 books from school at any time. Please ensure your child reads several times a week (20 minutes a night is preferable) and records this in their reading diaries. Each morning, I will collect reading diaries in from those that have read the night before and they will receive a raffle ticket which will go in our raffle bag. At the end of each half term, I will pull 2 raffle tickets out of the bag and the winners will receive a prize. The more raffle tickets a child has, the greater their chance of winning! Please help encourage your children with their reading, as the reading tests in Year 5 are a big jump from Year 4. We will monitor children's reading at home on a weekly basis.

Dates for your diary

Tuesday 3rd September - Parents meeting in Year 5 after school

Wednesday 11th September - RE lesson with Mrs Fullalove