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School Council

Let all that you do, be done in love. (1 Corinthians 16:14)

St. Mary’s School Council consists of two children from each of our Year 1 to Year 6 class. They have been chosen to represent their class by their classmates. Their role is to listen to the views and ideas of their classmates and discuss any suggestions at School Council meetings.

The school council children have been busy making signs for the new equipment rota - Ruby's idea - to make it  fairer in case of wet play. The signs change daily when we're out on the playground. This means that classes don't miss out on their day on the equipment if it's raining on the day of their turn.

This half term, the school  are going to focus on how to raise money for Comic Relief and the school.


February 2024

School Council recently looked through our RE floor books to get a sense of the other religions we have been learning about in our classes. Each pair talked us through their class' floor book and explained what they have been learning about.

March 2024

This month, we have thought about ways we could raise money for our school including bake sales and 'break the rules day'. 

April 2024

We have prioritised wellbeing this month and thought about ways we can further improve the wellbeing of all at St. Mary's. We came up with the following ideas:

  • Take part in more mindfulness and meditation activities in classand during our Worship sessions
  • Have a calming / mindfulness session at the end of the day before hometime
  • Have time to reflect at the end of a day to voice worries or concerns and to help each other through them
  • Develop our playground calm zone, introducing things such as colouring, a book box and loom band making

May 2024

We got together and reflected on the changes made to our curriculum and what we have learned about so far this year. We agreed that having our knowledge organisers have really helped us to remember key facts and this helps us to bring our knowledge together at the end of a unit by creating a mind-map of information. We looked through our class' floorbooks and showed one another what we have learned.